Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Baseball's Sad Lexicon

These are the saddest of possible words:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
Tinker and Evers and Chance.
Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
Making a Giant hit into a double-
Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
-- Franklin Pierce Adams, 1902

1 comment:

Stanley said...

Main Entry: gon·fa·lon
Pronunciation: 'gän-f&-"län, -l&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian gonfalone
1 : the ensign of certain princes or states (as the medieval republics of Italy)
2 : a flag that hangs from a crosspiece or frame